AMTUT - Resources Page

The Arcanum Resources page has a few things to download. Here you will find the WorldEd Manual HTML Version and the Official I hope to add new things here as time goes by but that may not be until I have finished AMTUT (which will be another few weeks yet).

WorldEd Manual HTML Version -- View it Online Download: (225 kb)
This is the Official WorldEd documentation as an easy to read and use HTML file. Some people had problems reading the Officially released '.doc' version so I converted it to HTML. I haven't made a thorough check but it seems to have come out right. All the tables and things are in the right spot, that's what's important.
List of Sounds -- View it Online Download: (14 kb)
This is the complete lists of sounds from Arcanum. They are used in conjunction with the 'Play sound (num)' script action. All the sounds are there, everything from the interface sounds all the way through to the spell sounds and combat sounds.
Expeience Points -- View it Online Download: (2 kb)
These are the lists of experience points that are given when the PC completes a certain quest or kills a critter. It also details the experience points that the PC needs before they can achieve the next level.
Official Edit Documents Download: (58 kb)
These are zipped up '.doc' files with lists and VERY useful information in them. They are the files that were released before the WorldEd Manual came out. They can be a bit difficult to understand. They were also written for the DEVELOPERS and not for MOD MAKERS such as you or me. As such, some of the information in them can be incorrect.
Official Arcanum Scripts Download: (1.058 Mb)
These are ALL of the scripts that have been pulled from the Official game-release version of Arcanum. If you want to know how to do something, ANYTHING, then it is probably in one of these scripts. I have used these very effectively to figure out how to accomplish some of the more tricky tasks in my modules. NOTE: I have been told that this MAY be a violation of the EULA (End Users Licence Agreement). I am of the opinion that it is not due to the fact that anyone can pull these from Arcanum themselves using Troika's OWN undat program. As such, it is merely convenient to have these up here as it saves you having to UNDAT Arcanum yourself. If you download these files, use them ONLY for personal use.
Official Arcanum Dialogue Download: (1.552 Mb)
This is ALL of the dialogue from the Official version of Arcanum. These tie in with the scripts above. They are very useful for figuring out how to do certain things with dialogue. I have found them INVALUABLE myself. NOTE: I have been told that this MAY be a violation of the EULA (End Users Licence Agreement). I am of the opinion that it is not due to the fact that anyone can pull these from Arcanum themselves using Troika's OWN undat program. As such, it is merely convenient to have these up here as it saves you having to UNDAT Arcanum yourself. If you download these files, use them ONLY for personal use.
Comm Module - Working World Map Download: (633 kb)
This is an undatted version of a module made by a Ukranian called Zammy. He figured out how to make a World Map (you know, that one you can travel on). I've mucked around with it and figured out sort of how he did it but am not really comfortable at explaining it yet. As such, download this module yourself, put it into your 'Arcanum\Modules\' directory and play it. Look at the files and see if you can figure out how he did it. I hope to explain it when I've finished AMTUT.