A Grave Dig About A Blue Bunny

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Sirius Black, Jan 16, 2011.

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  1. Sirius Black

    Sirius Black New Member

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    Jan 14, 2011
    I CANT FIND THE REAL STILLWATER GIANT... i searched everywhere outside the Stillwater and there is no find.. only wild wolves.... please help

    Really? A ten year old thread, to ask a simple question? That's just trolling for entertainment, and I don't find it funny. -DF
  2. Frigo

    Frigo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 21, 2006
    Wow what a gravedig. Nice knowing you.
  3. symban

    symban New Member

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    Jan 28, 2009
    well as already grave digged (I bow before the showel digged 10 years history) ; so about this quest;

    (fake) pelt from museum in Tarant;

    fake rabbit to be caged;

    the real Giant that can be killed for his (real)pelt (or can it be also caged??)

    are these just one other option of the sme quest? so lets say if I do one for the elf to talk, then other two option has no use-storyline that can relate them to? (like the blackroot poison maker, hedge wizard. if I dont do the sac.dagger quest through them they have no other storylines at all. right?)

    bad thing about arcanum is after seeing that the shoe of Moore can be given to museum in tarant I became paranoid with every NPC and item in game....
  4. DaneKoponen

    DaneKoponen Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 13, 2007
    Behold! I bow before a Master Necromancer! The might of Khergan himself cannot compare!

    Did you already do the main Stillwater quest?
  5. Sirius Black

    Sirius Black New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 14, 2011
    HAHAHA :D yeah its the last comments are ten years ago and that was the coolest thing in this website its like time machine u know. .

    anyway I was already done persuading Myrth about the S.Giant and Im already at Quintarra... does that mean I will not see the real S.Giant? T.T

    If the answers yes then thats too bad,, I just want to get some quick cash from Parnnells...
  6. Sirius Black

    Sirius Black New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 14, 2011
    Call me a master necro eh? Ten years was nothing compared to my waiting on my correction, Harry will graduate at Hogwarts this year so I have to be ressurected (courtesy of Bellatrix)... then play Arcanum :D (haha corny)
  7. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

    Likes Received:
    Jan 28, 2005
    This makes no sense, by my measure. Perhaps I could coerce you into considering the usage of grammar, if you would be so kind?

    At the very least, re-read the first post in this thread.
  8. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 22, 2007
    No, the real Stillwater Giant encountered in a special encounter cannot be caged. There is only one such cage in the game and the only sequence of events leading to encountering the real Giant demands using up the cage on the blue bunny in the cave. One also already had to give the fake pelt to Myrth in order to acquire the real one, so there's no way to use the real one to complete the quest.

    On a side note for the more curious ones, even in one somehow managed to get a second cage or keep the first and still encounter the real Giant (via hacks, most probably), the cage would prove useless. jfkoski tested this at a time and discovered that using the cage on the real Giant simply makes him transform to his giant form and attack you.


    Yes, but unlike the sidequest related with the retrieval of the ceremonial dagger, they are not mutually exclusive. I'd say they are more like following stages of the same quest: you are asked by Myrth to give him the pelt, you do the cryptozoologist's part of the quest, discover that it leads to nothing, get demotivated and resort to acquiring the fake pelt (several different ways to obtain it), give it to Myrth and encounter the real Giant moments after you no longer need his pelt. At least Parnell offers some coin for it and you get the satisfaction of telling Franklin Payne about your success.

    No real Stillwater Giant for you. Admitting to Myrth that the pelt is stolen from H.T. Parnell's is required to encounter the real one. Making Myrth believe that you really found and killed the Giant makes you never encounter the real one. I don't see the logic in that but that's how things are.

    10 years is nothing compared to 12? 83,3% doesn't sound like nothing to me.

    On a side note, I recommend reading the rules and avoiding double posting and careless gravedigging in the future.
  9. symban

    symban New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 28, 2009
    Thanks alot for the information Muro as usual.

    I have however one more question, you mentioned that killing real Stillwater Giant afterwards, will lead into small addition just like the Shoe for the Tarant Museum, and Payne having a new dialog.

    Is it somehow possible to have this conversation without killing the good natured Giant (for the sake of good roleplay for my current character) ?

    And as soon as I submit my thesis papers tomorrow I will dig into Arcanum again to have Payne by my side and check out whats happening when Payne *himself* encounters the Giant by my side. Hope there is some trigger there, yet I hope it wont lead me to do something I dont agree at all just lke I did for the sake of being able to hearing Magnus bitching on everything. You know, even if they were practitioners of Dark Arts the only crime I witnessed was the deadly curse put on James(their door keeper for P. and Sons) and I must say I am really surprised that even if I force him to talk and get him killed infront of me (no matter how much I wanted help afterward the curse was triggered) that event is not added to the list suspious crimes we can question the sons. I was really hoping that after forcing him to dyin... after witnessing his unfortunate death, there would be a *just* reason for ending their lifes, not because they are laboring 6 toed primitive dwarven corpses.

    Unfortunately life is not well scripted all the time.
  10. ZippoLag

    ZippoLag New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 25, 2010
    meh, I just pickpocketed Myrth and gave his amulet to the lady in Shrouded Hills for her blessing and how to get to Quintarra :p

    As for the blue bunny in the cave, he sits on his cage in a chest on Dernholm xD
  11. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    May 22, 2007
    I'm afraid not. The game only offers two Stillwater Giant-related dialogue paths when you talk with Franklin before recruiting him:
    • [1] Telling him that you found and killed the Giant. Condition: kill the Giant.
      [2] Claiming that the Giant doesn't exist or that you never found it but you believe in Franklin encountering him. Condition: do not kill the Giant. If the Living One made the Giant transform into his large furry form and managed to somehow escape (or even if he mind controls the Giant who is standing right next to him and Franklin at the moment), there will still be no dialogue paths saying that you know that it exists and that you actually did encounter it.
    Do you want me to tell you whether or not there is something to be found there or do you prefer to check it yourself?

    On the topic of Magnus, I never understood why lying to the Schuylers, finding out who is the owner of the ring and then killing them is not an option for the dwarf. By Alberich, Magnus, can't you just wait two goddamn minutes before we kill them? What difference would it make?

    If it weren't for a cosmic coincidence and that particular receipt was not there, the Living One would never learn the identity of the owner of the ring, he would continue to wander aimlessly doing nothing but trying to survive Molochean Hand assassin attacks and Arcanum would eventually meet its doom. All thanks to Magnus' impatience and inability of understanding deception.
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